Saturday 10 October 2015

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Fast

Dandruff is a common problem in this modern world where fastfood and stress prevails. This condition is characterized by dryness and flakiness of the scalp. This condition can occur at any age but mostly males are affected. It is often caused by seborrheic dermatitis which has settled itself on the scalp. Usually, dandruff is medically treated by medicated shampoos such as Sebowash Shampoo and ketoconazole shampoo 2 percent. However, if you need to get rid of dandruff fast, you need to learn these tips. 

You can try combing the flakes with a dry shampoo which can help clean your scalp as well as moisturize it. It also helps if you apply warmed mineral oil on your scalp and massage a little. This will reduce flakes and moisturize your scalp. Other oils you can use are tea tree oil, olive oil and others. After placing oil, you can wash it off with shampoo.

You can also use tar-based shampoos which can help remove more dandruff. Leave-on preparations may be handy at night especially when they contain tar and keratolytics. For severe dandruff cases, medicated shampoos are handy such as Sebowash Shampoo and ketoconazole shampoo 2 percent. They may be given by your doctor for your condition.